9 June: Taree — Port Stephens
Matilda will be travelling from Taree, NSW to Port Stephens, NSW today.
Key messages/issues for today
Koala Beach should be the model
The Koala is worth $3 billion to the Australian tourism industry
Poor planning should be everyone’s concern. A Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management (CKPoM) was written for Taree City Council in 2000. Back in 2006 the CKPoM was almost passed by Council, but it was shelved at the last minute. The CKPoM would have ensured that Koalas and their habitat would be protected through the planning process.
What has happened in the intervening 10 years? Poor planning and declining Koala numbers.

Koala habitat mapping for Greater Taree Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management; it has been 16 years since AKF started this project, and there is very little to show for all the work.