How to Vote 1 Matilda


In the 2016 Federal Election: Vote 1 for Matilda.

  • Voting is a privilege; many people have died so that we can vote.
  • Your vote is about empowering YOU..
  • All politicians of all parties should NOT be able to presume that their seat is safe
  • We need to show our leaders WE have the power to elect THEM. Have they forgotten that?
  • It’s time to tell our political leaders that they work for YOU.


Voting for Matilda, a real donkey, is an Informal Vote. It will not be counted! However, if you do vote for her – they will notice – there will be an increase in the informal vote.

Read below to make sure you know all your options on polling day.

Consider the following:

Is there a candidate in your electorate that you really think will speak for you?
If the answer is YES then you should Vote for them in 2016.
If the answer if NO then you could choose one of the following options:

  • You could informally vote
  • You could donkey vote
  • By writing Vote 1 Matilda on the ballot form you are voting both informally and for a “donkey”at the same time!
  • Here are some example “ballot papers” to demonstrate the different types of voting.
    NB – This document is not a “How to Vote Card” or a representation of a ballot paper:
    Voting forms

Take the time to read this explanation – it will help you understand the difference. 



Matilda hopes this explanation helps you decide which way to vote